what it's all about

About Citizen Wine

Tradition, heritage, history… these are not words that particularly inspire us at Citizen Wine. We prefer words like excitement, enjoyment, change.


Citizen Wine was set up in 2020, mid lock-down, by a close-knit group of industry experts (including several Masters of Wine) to breathe some much needed life into an all-too-often rigid and stuffy wine sector.


With over 100 years of combined experience at the top of the profession Citizen Wine aims to place you, the citizen, at the very forefront of every winemaking decision.  We believe wine should be made with just one purpose in mind; to be enjoyed not revered.

It’s wine for a change


At Citizen Wine we treat every new wine as an individual project with one common goal in mind… citizen satisfaction. 

We remove the stigma of stuffy, cloned wines and replaced it with an innovative new approach to wine making and marketing. Keeping a close eye on market trends and tracking consumer behaviour means we can react quickly to produce the sought-after styles that the everyday wine citizen demands.

We use this data and mix it with our own distorted sense of simplicity and humour to give each wine its own unique character and personality, working tirelessly to develop a contemporary range of wines that delight the senses and over-deliver on price.

All citizens are free to choose, free to have fun and express themselves in any way they wish. These are the base values we use when developing this stunning range of wines. We hope you enjoy drinking them as much as we have enjoyed creating them! 

Citizen Wine

Citizen First

All our wines are developed with you, the citizen, at the foreront of our thinking. Customer enjoyment is bred into the DNA of each and every one of our wines.

Organically Sourced

We only partner with producers that are fully committed to sustainability. Wherever possible we always source wines that are sustainably grown and organically produced.

Fresh & Innovative

We don’t peddle tradition or heritage. We promote innovation and excitement. Wine is to be enjoyed not revered. It should speak directly to the citizen in every one of us.

Get In Touch

We would love to hear from you so drop us a quick message and we will respond as soon as possible.

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